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Jobs and vacancies in Miami and Florida. Drivers, nannies, housekeepers, programmers, hairdressers and programmers. Rent an apartment, room. Hostel and hotel.

Featured Jobs and vacancies in Miami and Florida. Drivers, nannies, housekeepers, programmers, hairdressers and programmers. Rent an apartment, room, hostel and hotel. Jobs and vacancies in Miami and Florida. Drivers, nannies, housekeepers, programmers, hairdressers and programmers. Rent an apartment, room, hostel and hotel.

Many Americans dream of living and working in the United States on the Atlantic coast, surrounded by palm trees and clean sandy beaches, in the world-famous southern American city of Miami, located in Florida. The population of Miami in 2022 is more than 450 thousand people, while at least 50% of residents are of foreign origin, most of them received US citizenship. The symbolic name of this beautiful place is “the capital of Latin America”. Our site helps Americans and citizens from other countries in finding work in Miami and other cities in the state of Florida, as well as in other states of the country. A bulletin board created specifically for this allows you to view vacancies in the United States or place your own job search, services, and goods ad.

Our site contains thousands of new vacancies from employers and resumes of those who are looking for work. The history, culture and unique atmosphere of Miami has been largely shaped by Hispanic immigrants, predominantly Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Colombians and Peruvians. Employment in Miami will provide those who are considering moving to Florida a sea of ​​​​unforgettable emotions and impressions that this multicultural city with very eccentric residents guarantees. The city hosts a large number of interesting entertainment events, rich nightlife "boils" in colorful clubs, bars and restaurants. Attractions include a variety of national parks and museums.

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Photo: Miami city from a bird's eye view.

The racial/ethnic makeup of the city is about 75% white, up to 20% African American, and just under 5% other races. Over two-thirds of the local population is fluent in addition to English and also in Spanish. Therefore, in order to find a job in Miami in some sectors of the economy, knowing English alone may not be enough. This city also has a large Russian-speaking population, including many popular Russian shops and cafes. For the most part, Americans are quite affable and friendly people. A huge number of banks, offices of multinational companies and large American employers are concentrated in Miami. For example, Burger King, Carnival Corporation, Holland & Knight, Bacardi and Interval International. The city is one of the most important business and financial centers where US business is active and investors from many other countries come. Regardless of their country of origin and native language, many foreigners feel at home in Florida. The unemployment rate in the city is kept at 4-5%, which is the national average. If you are looking for employment opportunities, leave your resume and offer your services. If you are an employer, then you can always post a vacancy in a special section of our job board

Work in the city of Miami for US residents and foreigners from other countries in 2022 is available in various areas: in the field of tourism, beauty, trade, entertainment, in representative offices of international companies, the construction industry, the service sector and some other areas. Mostly highly qualified specialists are required, but there are jobs for unskilled workers from abroad. There is a lot of work for truck drivers (truck drivers), there is work in large enterprises and small factories. In addition, for many citizens of other countries there is an opportunity to find work with compatriots even without knowledge of English or Spanish. Construction-related professions are also popular here: carpenters, plumbers, electricians, installers and tilers. There is always a job for a welder and furniture assembler. In addition, you can use our bulletin board to find and rent an apartment, room or house in Florida and other American cities. Take a look at our site's rental ads right now.

In the state of Florida, in addition to the most famous city, Miami, there are cities such as Jacksonville, the largest city in the state of Florida and the 13th most populous city in the United States, the administrative center of Duval County. With our help, you can find a job in the popular city of Tampa, which is the third largest city in Florida and the capital of Hillsborough County, in the city of Orlando, this is the capital of Orange County, the city of St. Petersburg, in the popular city of Fort Lauderdale among Americans, the county seat of Broward County, which is also constantly full of vacancies in different areas.

In Florida, nannies, housekeepers and nurses, warehouse workers, programmers, engineers, those who know how to do something with their own hands are in demand. Masters in the repair of household appliances and cars will never be left without work. There are many vacancies in professions related to the beauty industry. Masters in beauty salons, hairdressers, manicure masters. Workers are always required in bars, cafes and restaurants: cooks, waiters, bartenders and managers. In the state of Florida, there are many sports facilities, stadiums, clubs, fitness centers where coaches are constantly needed. In the cities of Florida, there are a lot of various shops, shopping centers, where the profession of a salesman is constantly in demand. Since there are many hotels and hostels on the coast, hotel workers are always needed: maids, workers, managers. Required in a variety of firms installers of cable networks, installers of cell towers and cellular networks, masters in conducting and installing the Internet.

Visit the site's job board and choose a job you like, find a place to live, or post your resume or service ad.




Last modified onMonday, 16 May 2022 22:07

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